A Canadian Alternative

Bands and Songs

Here are samples from all 14 bands that appear on this CD (in the order they appear). The sample length and file size follow the song title in brackets. You'll need to get an MPEG audio player program to be able to listen to these samples. XING is a Windows based realtime decompressor available on this site. You can also try here at IUMA for Windows, IUMA for MacIntosh, IUMA for Unix or here at CME for all types of computers. Ampeg43.zip is a MS-DOS decoder. All samples are compressed at 22:1 to enable faster transfer time to you. Because of this, there is some loss of sound quality - they will sound like they are on AM radio.

The CD contains 14 songs (73 minutes) from some of Canada's best indie and alternative bands. The bands come from all across Canada.

Benjamin Russel
Miracle (44s, 175kB)

Neo A4
Say This To Me (56s, 222kB)

Chain Of Fun
Paisley Girls (60s, 242kB)

Gerry Cott
Alphabet Town (59s, 233kB)

Sandro Carlos Camerin
London Derriere (1:11, 286kB)

Danceteria (1:08, 273kB)

Scott Merritt
Transistor (59s, 236kB)

The Hush
Dancing In East Berlin (59s, 234kB)

Scott Matthews
Role Boys (1:06, 262kB)

Moral Support
Strange Day For Dancing (58s, 234kB)

Where Do You Call Home? (57s, 226kB)

This Fear
Soldier Of This Fashion (57s, 229kB)

Cottage Industry
Things Go Up (1:03, 254kB)

Eva Everything
Piece Of Cake (1:03, 248kB)

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Copyright DAHB Music, 1996 dbrown@netsell.com Voice 416 223 6156